lundi, février 25, 2008

Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism #8 est en ligne

Nos camarades de la Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (ZACF) ont mis en ligne le .pdf du dernier numéro de leur publication. ZACF est une fédération Communiste Libertaire Plateformiste Sud-Africaine (Zabalaza).

Au sommaire:
* Asgisa: A Working Class Critique
* S.A. Public Sector Strikes
* The 2010 World Cup
* Protests Against University Privatisation
* Introduction to the ABC
* Vigilante Farmers Want Refugee Camps
* Swaziland: The Assassination of Our Dear Comrade
* Europe, Africa and the Neo-Liberal Strategy of Co- Optation
* Fallacies of the Darfur War
* The Congo's Dilemma
* A New Guantanamo in Africa?
* Misrepresentation of Self-Management in the Caribbean
* Some Thoughts on Theoretical Unity & Collective Responsibility
* Clarity on What Anarcho-Syndicalism Is
* Towards an Anarcho-Syndicalist Strategy for Africa

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